Kungliga biblioteket i ord och bild

Publication Stockholm : Kungliga biblioteket, 2018 Author Svensson, Ingrid Number of Pages 431 Language Swedish Publication Year 2018 Original Language Swedish Categories and Tags Hardcover, Books, Libraries Dewey Subjects Europe > General Libraries; Reports, etc. > Information > Library and Information Sciences > Scandinavia > State and government About The Royal Library, in words and […]

The Story of Libraries: from the Invention of Writing to the Computer Age

Publication London: Continuum, 2009 Author Lerner, Frederick Andrew Number of Pages 249 Language English Publication Year 2009 Original Language English Categories and Tags Paperback, Libraries Dewey Subjects General Libraries; Reports, etc. > Information > Library and Information Sciences About This work describes libraries’ crucial role in ancient Egypt, Han-dynasty China, the ancient Western Classical world […]

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