Nordens flora


Bonnier fakta, Stockholm


Mossberg, Bo and Stenberg, Lennart

Number of Pages




Publication Year


Original Language


Categories and Tags

Nonfiction, Hardcover, Dust Jacket, Botany


Beautiful, acclaimed, and a bestseller. The Nordic flora is the indispensable standard for describing all old and new plants in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland, and Spitsbergen in vivid pictures and detailed text. It is aimed at beginners and plant hunters, conservationists, and ecologists. Illustrated by Bo Mossberg and written by Lennart Stenberg in close collaboration with the leading Nordic botanists of our time, Flora of the Nordics provides the reader with information about the plant’s flowering time, frequency, ecology, typical plant locations, essential characteristics and variations in the appearance of stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Maps show the plants’ current distribution.

Even when the flora (then called The Nordic Flora) was published for the first time in 1992, it was a sensation. Nothing like it had previously been on the market, it was sold to all the Nordic countries and became the flora to own, use, and give away to both professionals and the general public. Eleven years later, the flora was revised (The New Nordic Flora) and expanded with 800 new species. The result – an even more beautiful and extensive flora. It has been reprinted countless times, and the demand is still as great.



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