En halv gul sol
203098142 Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi Stockholm : Bonnier, 2007 682 Swedish 2007 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Ex. Library Copy 2000- > English fiction > English {except North American} > Literature > Modern Period [9789100106720] bu223
Vänster hand och motsols : magiska riter från förr
203021222 Klintberg, Bengt af Lund : Ellerströms, 2020. 103 Swedish 2020 Swedish Pappersbok Nonfiction Paperback, Ethnology, Folklore Customs, Etiquette, Folklore > Folk beliefs > Folklore > Paranatural and legendary phenomena as subjects of folklore > Social sciences [9789172475922]
Blommor året om
203021238 Strand, Kristina Västerås : Ica, 2009 120 Swedish 2009 Swedish Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, Flowers Agriculture & related technologies > Domestic Gardening > Flowers and ornamental plants > Houseplants > Special areas and purposes > Technology and Application of Knowledge [9789153432500]
Hallonlandet : trädgårdens odling under 200 år
203021249 Blomberg, Eva Lund : Sekel, 2012. 214 Swedish 2012 Swedish Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, Dust Jacket, Gardening Agriculture & related technologies > Berries, etc.; Bananas & Plantains, etc. > Fruits; Orchards; Vineyards > Raspberries > Raspberry & Blackberry > Technology and Application of Knowledge [9789187199059]
Biblioteket : berättelsen om en brand, en stad och kärleken till böcker
203021278 Orlean, Susan Stockholm : Atlantis, 2019. 374 Swedish 2019 English Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, Dust Jacket, Libraries Free public; Rate supported; Endowed > General Libraries; Reports, etc. > Information > Library and Information Sciences > North America > West Coast U.S. [9789127167230]
Skuggan från norr
203021285 Pullman, Philip Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2007 319 Swedish 2007 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Steampunk English literature > English {except North American} > Literature [9789127106314]
A Parisian Cabinet of Curiosities: Deyrolle
203021309 de Broglie, Louis Albert Prince Flammarion (2017), Edition: Slp. 224 English 2017 French Styvt band Nonfiction Hardcover, Boxed Set, Collecting, Curiosity Cabinets General Science > Natural history > Natural sciences and mathematics [2080203215]
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders : Vol. 1 : Themes A-K
203021702 Westfahl, Gary Greenwood Press 455 English 2005 English Styvt band Nonfiction Hardcover, Literature, Science Fiction Adventure fiction > American fiction > By type > Dictionaries, encyclopedias > English (North America) > Genre fiction > Literature > Science fiction > Speculative fiction [0313329516]
The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Themes, Works, and Wonders : Vol. 2 : Themes L-Z
203021727 Westfahl, Gary Greenwood Press 455 English 2005 English Styvt band Nonfiction Hardcover, Literature, Science Fiction Adventure fiction > American fiction > By type > Dictionaries, encyclopedias > English (North America) > Genre fiction > Literature > Science fiction > Speculative fiction [0313329524]
The Greenwood Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction And Fantasy: Themes, Works, And Wonders : Vol. 3 : Classic Works A-Z
203021762 Westfahl, Gary Greenwood Press 479 English 2005 English Styvt band Nonfiction Hardcover, Literature, Science Fiction Adventure fiction > American fiction > By type > Dictionaries, encyclopedias > English (North America) > Genre fiction > Literature > Science fiction > Speculative fiction [0313329532]