
74202088 Maerov, Lauri Malmö : Richter, 1996 ; 277 Swedish 1996 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Dust Jacket 1945-1999 > 20th Century > American fiction > English (North America) > Literature [917705444X] bu247


74204006 Marryat, Frederick Uddevalla : Niloe, 1986 ; 222 Swedish 1986 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Ex. Library Copy Early 19th century 1800-37 > English fiction > English {except North American} > Literature [9171021663] bu248

De från norr kommande leoparderna

74202201 Malmsten, Bodil Stockholm : Modernista : Finistère, 2009 190 Swedish 2009 Swedish Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish miscellany [9789186021368] bu247

Guds drömmare

74204152 Agrell, Alfhild Stockholm : Skoglund, 1904 308 Swedish 1904 Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Ex. Library Copy German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish fiction > Swedish literature [] bu248

Kom och hälsa på mig om tusen år

74202245 Malmsten, Bodil Finistère : Modernista, 2007 190 Swedish 2007 Swedish Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish miscellany [9789197659529] bu247


74204917 McCourt, Frank Stockholm : Bonnier, 2006 279 Swedish 2006 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Dust Jacket Education > Social sciences > Teachers, Methods, and Discipline > Teachers; Teaching personnel; Professors, masters instructors [9100109975] bu247

På dina bara knän

74196881 MacDonald, Ann-Marie Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 2000 ; 543 Swedish 2000 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover 1945-1999 > 20th Century > American fiction > English (North America) > Literature [912708275X] bu247


74198121 MacDonald, Patricia J. Malmö : Richter, 1989 ; 312 Swedish 1989 English Pappersbok Fiction Paperback 1945-1999 > 20th Century > American fiction > English (North America) > Literature [9177068610]

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