Ett hem

74524268 Larsson, Carl Stockholm : Bonnier, 1968 ; 31 Swedish 1968 Swedish Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Ex. Library Copy Fenno-Scandinavia > History, geographic treatment, biography > Painting > Sweden > The arts [] bu270

Det falska ansiktet

74523023 Katz, Welwyn Wilton Stockholm : Rabén & Sjögren, 1988 ; Swedish 1988 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Ex. Library Copy Fossils & prehistoric life > Mollusks > Natural sciences and mathematics [9129590906] bu269


74523140 Keene, Carolyn Stockholm : B. Wahlström, 1998 ; 97 Swedish 1998 English Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover American fiction > English (North America) > Literature [9132139632] bu269

Hodjas flygande matta

74523264 Kirkegaard, Ole Lund Stockholm : Litteraturfrämjandet, 1985 ; 89 Swedish 1985 Danish Pappersbok Fiction Paperback Danish > Danish and Norwegian literature > Danish fiction > German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages [9174483455] bu269


74522054 Johansson, George Stockholm : Bonniers juniorförl., 1987 ; 107 Swedish 1987 Swedish Pappersbok Fiction Hardcover, Ex. Library Copy German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature [9148515205] bu269

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