
79119061 de Ruvo, Annika Stockholm : Rabén & Sjögren, 1996 ; 61 Swedish 1996 Swedish Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, Science General Science > General Science > Natural sciences and mathematics [9129638941]

Historia i bild : vikingatiden

79119138 Nilsson, Per-Anders Stockholm : Natur och kultur, 1995 ; 59 Swedish 1995 Swedish Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, History, Viking Age Cartoons, Caricatures, Comics > Drawing & drawings > Graphic arts and decorative arts > The arts [9127629090]

Berömda platser

79119259 Shaw, James H. Malmö : Richter, 1993 ; 87 Swedish 1993 Japanese Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, Geography History > History and Geography > History and Geography [9177078314]


79119368 Wood, Jenny Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksell, cop. 1992 ; 48 Swedish 1992 English Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover, Zoology, Reptiles, Snakes Cold-blooded vertebrates, fishes > Natural sciences and mathematics > Reptilia ; Reptiles > Snakes > Zoology [9121133743]


79101769 Chancellor, Deborah Malmö : Richter, cop. 1993 ; 49 Swedish 1993 English Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover Fossils & prehistoric life > Invertebrates > Natural sciences and mathematics [9177076893]

Så funkar världen!

79119615 Kaufman, Joe Stockholm : Carlsen/if, 1979 ; 69 Swedish 1979 English Pappersbok Nonfiction Hardcover Earth sciences & geology > Geology > Natural sciences and mathematics [9151023156]