Tibet – mellan Buddha och Marx

Publication Zetterholm, Tore Bra böcker, Höganäs. Number of Pages 175 Language Swedish Publication Year 1981 Original Language Swedish Categories and Tags Hardcover, Travel, Geography, Tibet Dewey Subjects China and Korea > Geography and Travel > Geography of and travel in Asia > History and Geography Location

I blickfånget : likheter och motsatser i svensk affischtradition

Publication Kungliga biblioteket., Stockholm : Kungl. bibl. cop. 1999 Number of Pages 267 Language Swedish Publication Year 1999 Original Language Swedish Categories and Tags Hardcover, Art Dewey Subjects Drawing & drawings > Graphic arts and decorative arts > Graphic design, illustration, commercial art > Poster and Advertising Design > The arts Location

Jordens djur. 12, Insekterna och andra småkryp

Publication Forbes, Peter Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1986. Number of Pages 160 Language Swedish Publication Year 1986 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology Dewey Subjects Arthropoda > Insects: Insecta, Hexapoda > Natural sciences and mathematics > Zoology Location

Jordens djur. 14, Djurens beteende

Publication MacKeith, Bill Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1987. Number of Pages 159 Language Swedish Publication Year 1987 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology, Ethology Dewey Subjects Habits and behavior > Instinct; Reason > Natural sciences and mathematics > Specific topics in natural history of animals > Zoology Location

Jordens djur. 15, Djurens liv och byggnad

Publication Forbes, Peter Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1987. Number of Pages 158 Language Swedish Publication Year 1987 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology Dewey Subjects Color in man > Life Sciences, Biology > Natural sciences and mathematics > Physiological systems in animals Location

Jordens djur. 16, Djurekologi

Publication MacDonald, David W. Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1987. Number of Pages 161 Language Swedish Publication Year 1987 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology, Ecology Dewey Subjects Animal ecology, animals characteristic of specific environments > Natural sciences and mathematics > Specific topics in natural history of animals > Zoology Location

Jordens djur. 7, Fåglarna 1

Publication Forbes, Peter Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1985. Number of Pages 160 Language Swedish Publication Year 1985 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology Dewey Subjects Birds > Natural sciences and mathematics > Zoology Location

Jordens djur. 8, Fåglarna 2

Publication Forbes, Peter Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1985. Number of Pages 162 Language Swedish Publication Year 1985 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology Dewey Subjects Birds > Natural sciences and mathematics > Zoology Location

Jordens djur. 9, Fåglarna 3

Publication MacKeith, Bill Stockholm : Bonnier fakta, 1986. Number of Pages 161 Language Swedish Publication Year 1986 Original Language English Categories and Tags Hardcover, Zoology Dewey Subjects Birds > Natural sciences and mathematics > Zoology Location

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