Dikter: 1927-1962

35195435 Ekelöf, Gunnar 441 p. Stockholm, Bonnier, 1999. Swedish 1999 Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Poetry, Hardcover German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [9100568392] Location: F1-1


35195466 284 p. Stockholm : En bok för alla. 284 Swedish 2001 Multiple languages Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Anthology, Hardcover Anthologies & Collections > By Topic > Literature > Rhetoric and anthologies [9172211784] Location: F1-1

Kvinnors dikt om kärlek : en antologi

35195487 223 p. Stockholm : En bok för alla. 223 Swedish 1993 Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Anthology, Poetry, Love, Hardcover Collections > German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [9174487418] Location: F1-1

Mannens dikt om kärlek: En antologi

35195505 Palm, Göran 196 p. Stockholm : En bok för alla, 1993. 207 Swedish 1993 Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Anthology, Poetry, Love, Hardcover Collections > German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [9174487663] Location: F1-1

Svenska folkets egna dikter

35195558 70 p. Höganäs : Bra böcker, 1980. 70 Swedish 1980 Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Poetry, Amateur, Paperback German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [] Location: F1-1

Svensk dikt: Från trollformler till Lars Norén

35195618 Gustafsson, Lars Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand, 1985. 753 p. 756 Swedish 1985 Swedish Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Poetry, Anthology, Hardcover Collections > German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [9146149589] Location: F1-1

Haikupunchline: Hundra dikter

35195629 Boyacioglu, Daniel 102 p. Stockholm : Tiden, 2005 100 Swedish 2005 Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Poetry, Modern, Hardcover German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [9185243426] Location: F1-1

Fint som snus

35195647 Boyacioglu, Daniel 97 p. Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand, 2006 97 Swedish 2006 Pappersbok Your library, Fiction Poetry, Modern, Hardcover German and Germanic > Literature > Literature in other Germanic languages > Swedish literature > Swedish poetry [9789146213] Location: F1-1

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